Governance - Kaplan International Pathways (UK)

Governance – Kaplan International Pathways (UK)

“Kaplan International Pathways” is the trading name for a group of companies (‘Group’) headed by Kaplan International Colleges UK Limited (‘KICUKL’). KICUKL has subsidiaries registered in the UK and overseas, and the Group has an associate undertaking also registered in the UK. The entities forming the Group are listed in the table below. The registered office for KICUKL and all its UK-registered subsidiaries is Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London, SE1 9DE.

Kaplan International Pathways is part of Kaplan, Inc., one of the world’s largest and most diverse private education companies. Kaplan, Inc. is a subsidiary of Kaplan International Pathways’ ultimate parent company, Graham Holdings Company (NYSE: GHC) (formerly known as The Washington Post Company).

Kaplan International Pathways is regulated in the UK by the Office for Students with “Approved (fee cap)” status. It is a leading provider of global education, centred around students and a network of university and recruitment partners.

Kaplan International Pathways comprises the following companies:

NameRegistered officePrincipal activityDirect/indirect
holding by KICUKL
Kaplan International Colleges UK LimitedEngland & WalesHolding Company
Kaplan Bournemouth LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan Brighton LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan Essex LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan Estates LimitedEngland & WalesProperty ManagementDirect100%
Kaplan Glasgow LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan International College London LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan Liverpool LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan Nottingham LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan NT LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan Qatar LimitedEngland & WalesDormantDirect100%
Kaplan US LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan UWE LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan York LimitedEngland & WalesHigher EducationDirect100%
University of York International Pathway College LLPEngland & WalesHigher EducationIndirect45%
Kaplan Partner Services HK LimitedHong Kong SARMarketing & Administrative Service CentreDirect100%
Kaplan Colleges Private LimitedIndiaHigher EducationDirect99%
Kaplan International Colleges LimitedNigeriaHigher EducationDirect100%
Kaplan International Colleges (Private) LimitedPakistanDormantDirect100%

Governance Structure

The UK Governing Body for Kaplan International Pathways is responsible for overseeing the legal and regulatory responsibilities for Kaplan International Pathways in the UK.

The Governing Body is composed of the following members:

Non-Executive members:

Ex-Officio Members:

In addition, members of the UK Pathways Senior Management team and other staff from within the business may attend meetings and the Chairs of the UK Pathways College Executive Management Board (CEMB) and Academic Planning & Quality Management (APQC) Committee are required to attend certain meetings during the year to report on items to the Governing Body.

Governing Body Terms of Reference

The Audit and Risk Committee has been established to support the Governing Body in its statutory governance duties, with a membership that is independent of the Group’s Senior Management Team.

The Audit and Risk Committee’s Terms of Reference


The UK Pathways Senior Management Team (“SMT”) is responsible for the strategic direction of overall management of Kaplan International Pathways in the UK. The body is led by Linda Cowan, the Managing Director of Kaplan International Pathways (UK Pathways) and Accountable Officer to the Office for Students. The SMT comprises membership from within Kaplan International Pathways and the broader Kaplan International group.

The SMT is supported by the College Executive Management Board (“CEMB”). The CEMB’s membership includes the Directors of each Kaplan UK Pathway college and other key executives. It is chaired by Paul Lafferty, the Chief Operating Officer (UK Colleges), who has responsibility for the management and operation of Kaplan’s Pathway Colleges in the UK. Each Pathway College has a College Director who reports to Paul Lafferty.

Kaplan International Pathways’ senior academic body for the UK is the Academic Planning and Quality Committee (APQC). APQC is chaired by Dr Victoria Wilson-Crane, the Director of Innovative Student Learning, or her designate.

The Senior Management Team for Kaplan International Pathways in the UK is composed of the following members:

Other members of Kaplan International including Andrew Thick, Senior Vice President, Kaplan International Higher Education, Rachael Convery, General Counsel, Kaplan International and Wen Lu, Business Development Director, Kaplan International are included in SMT activities.

Student Protection Plan

As a registered provider of Higher Education in the UK we are required to publish a student protection plan to explain how continuation and qualify of study will be preserved for current and potential students should a risk to their continued study arise. Please view here This plan applies to our International Pathways Colleges registered with the Office for Students and Glasgow International College.

Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements for Kaplan International Colleges UK Limited are available here.

Transparency Data

The information in the Transparency Data shows:
The number of UK domiciled students who completed an International Year One programme with us.

Data contained in the tables in this workbook have been rounded and suppressed. Where the numerator or denominator rounds to 20 or less, the data is suppressed with an ‘N’.
‘N/A’ is displayed where there is no provision in a given mode or level.

It shows these numbers by reference to:

 Download workbook: Transparency Data

Tax Strategy